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Organic Hand Sanitizer 16 fl oz (designer reusable bottle)

Organic Hand Sanitizer 16 fl oz (designer reusable bottle)

Product No.00057649

Available(In Stock)

Our unique Aloe Pith content Organic Hand Sanitizer and unisex after shave lotion is made of 74.9% Ethyl/Surgical Alcohol (95% strength), 25% Aloe vera barbadensis, 0.1% Clove essential oil. Made to be SOOTHING on your skin whilst being effective at killing most microbes, spread 5 ml (one teaspoon) of our formula manually to cover both hands, and it will remain for 20 seconds before evaporating, which is the minimum time required for effective microbe elimination.

  • Price$ 20.00
  • Prices

    All prices are in Barbados dollars